Premium Spermidine Supplement | Primeadine®


Premium Spermidine Supplement | Primeadine®


Why Spermidine?

Spermidine is a potent polyamine, known for inducing autophagy, which is the body's cellular renewal and recycling process that slows as we age.

Supplementation with spermidine in humans has been shown to support cognition and heart health, balance hormones, improve hair growth and fullness (including eyelashes) abnd strengthen nails.

Epidemiological studies have correlated higher spermidine levels with longer life.

The gut biome and our tissues produce 2/3 of our body's spermidine. This is known as 'endogenous production'. The final third comes 'exogenously' or externally from our diet.

As we age, spermidine production in our tissues and gut biome begin to fall, reducing our cells' ability to trigger an important cellular renewal and recycling process known as autophagy.

What is spermidine?

Spermidine is a polyamine, an organic compound consisting of two or more amino groups, which is positively charged at physiological pH. Spermidine is present in all human tissues. There are three sources of spermidine:

  • endogenous spermidine made from the precursor amino acid ornithine;

  • microbial spermidine, produced from gut microbes, and

  • dietary spermidine, naturally occurring in food.

Endogenous production of spermidine accounts for roughly 2/3 of the body’s spermidine, however the ability to produce spermidine endogenously decreases with age. While microbial and dietary intakes make up the remaining 1/3 of the body’s needs, dietary intakes vary greatly between countries, with spermidine intake being higher on the Mediterranean and Japanese diets than on the typical American or Western European diet.

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