Phi Series Φ3 EMF Protection | Blushield

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Phi Series Φ3 EMF Protection | Blushield


This new dual-band output scalar configuration offers the best protection to date from radio frequency radiation and 5G. Some people will experience a minor detox while initially using this product, and some will not (I have! Check out my vid here). This can happen because of the release of stress on the body from EMF, helping the immune system to normalize.

The Phi Φ3 is recommended for those living in suburban areas and medium cities where exposure to EMF is moderate to high. (25 kB). This is the strongest of our Phi Series with a 6 sided, almost pyramidal shape, this table top model covers 90 meters in all directions, and is made of ultra durable ABS plastic


  • Uses multiple scalar waveform outputs

  • Great for homes and offices where EMF is high

  • The best protection from microwave radiation

  • Protection from a wide range of equipment

  • May reduce fatigue associated with EMF

  • May reduce some EMF symptoms

  • Promotes emotional stability

  • Helps maintain a level of alertness

  • Enables restful sleep

  • May increase energy levels

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